Report E-mail Scams

Comerica is committed to safeguarding the privacy of your personal information. Comerica will never request personal information (e.g., Social Security number, account numbers, user IDs or passwords) via e-mail.

If you receive an e-mail requesting this type of information that appears to come from Comerica, do the following:

  1. Do not click on the links or respond to the messages. By doing so, you may unwittingly download viruses or spyware that may cause you to be redirected to a fraudulent site, even when you type in a legitimate site, such as
  2. Forward the e-mail to Comerica at​.
  3. Cease all online activity and disconnect the ethernet cable and or wireless connections.
  4. If  you feel your Comerica online information or personal computer has been compromised contact Comerica’s Web Banking Department at 888.444.9876.
  5. Delete the e-mail and check your computer for spyware or viruses.